Sunday, November 11, 2012


There are going to be seasons and cycles of crises and tragedies going forward in our world.  God said so.  It's all because of sin until Jesus comes to put a final end to it all and bring a new heaven and a new earth.  That's the promise and hope of the Bible.

And my question to you is this:  What if the economy gets worse?  What if terrorist attacks increase?  What if more earthquakes and tornadoes and hurricanes strike?

Here's what.  'This will be your opportunity to bear witness."  When the world runs out of hope and runs out of help, that's when followers of Christ run in.  It's our opportunity to say there's a world after this one.  There's a King beyond earthly kings.  That King has a Kingdom that never ends and ultimately this life that exists for only a little while is followed by one that lasts forever.  This world isn't our home.  This world isn't our heaven.  This world isn't our hope.

'Jesus makes life meaningful.  Jesus makes death meaningful.  Jesus makes difficulty meaningful.'

Jesus makes life meaningful.  Jesus makes death meaningful.  Jesus makes difficulty meaningful.  And when times get hard, don't you, follower of Christ, ask the wrong questions.

'Where is God?'
'Doesn't He care?'
'Isn't He paying attention?'
'Doesn't He love me?'
'Has He forgotten me?'

Those are all wrong questions.  Instead, here's what we can ask:

'Where's my opportunity?'
'Who can I help?'
'Where can I serve?'
'How can I make Christ known?'
'Where's the open door?'

This is my opportunity to bear witness.

And be blessed.


Fred H said...

PK, Thank you for your words of wisdom and leadership.

Anonymous said...

In your post it made me wonder something. If there was a tornado in Pleasant Prairie and it destroyed the home you built and all of your posessions, how would you feel...what would you do? I know you went thru a stressful situation in the past, but how would you feel about it now? Would you accept it and trust in God? Do you believe that you would walk the walk? Tough question, but it is relevant to your post.

PK's BLOG said...

It's hard/impossible to say what one would do in a scenario like this. You can say what you THINK you would do, but until you've gone thru it, I think it's tough to say for sure. All I know is that my life has not been spared from difficult and even tragic and catastrophic events. Most have not come in the form of possessions. I might argue possessions are easier to lose than many other things. I do know this. I'm sure I would be devastated and hurt, but in the end - as with the real life tragedies that have come my way - I would not blame God or be angry with Him because I know He works things together for good and He desires a good outcome.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have had some very difficult things happen in my life, as we all have. Some were out of my control, but others were a result of my own doing. I've never felt angry with God. I am far more inclined to be angry at my own stupidity. I have never been thru something so devastating as Sandy, tho. It's hard to imagine.