Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm continually impressed by the creativity of the folks at KFA.  Creativity is one of our eight core values.

Our core values aren't our theology - we already have that.
They aren't our doctrine - we already have that.
They aren't what we do at KFA - those are our purposes - we already have those.
They are the 'how' of KFA - the motivation - the heart behind what we do.

So here are some basic rules for creativity.  Creativity happens when you don't make excuses.

- If it's important enough, you'll take time for it.
- If you aren't sure where to start, start anywhere.
- If you get stuck, take a timed break.
- If you don't know how to do it, try doing what you can.
- If you believe you can do it, you will.

And this, from Rules of A Creator's Life:

- Do more than you're told.
- Try new things.
- Make work into play - and play into work.
- Take breaks.
- Work when others are resting.
- Always be creating.
- Make your own inspiration.
- Love what you do, or leave.

And be blessed.

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