Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I'm not sure that driving over the speed limit is really a sin.  When I don't go faster than allowed, the guy behind me lays into me with his horn - regularly.

One of our core values at KFA is integrity -- both personal and organizational integrity.  We've been working hard at it.  Our team read a book recently that helped us with it called "Character Matters" by Mark Rutland.

Barely ten years ago, three-fourths of Americans believed an extra-marital affair was wrong and never justified.  Today, less than half think that.  In just a decade there has been a steep decline in this particular facet of integrity.  Only a third of the folks believed it was wrong to lie on a job application.

'I mean, in this day and age, when jobs are scarce, if I have to lie to put food on the table for my family, I'll do whatever I have to.'  That's called Hierarchy of Values -- not to mention 'sin.'

So here's an Integrity Test for you to take.  Rate your attitude to each of the following activities:
1 point if you think it is never justified.
2 points if you think it is rarely justified.
3 points if you think it is sometimes justified.
4 points if you think it is always justified.

And listen ... be honest.  If you can't be honest with yourself sitting at your own computer alone ... God help us.

'If you can't be honest with yourself sitting at your own computer alone ... God help us.'

A.  Avoiding paying the fare on public transport.  (It doesn't matter if you ride public transport; what do you think about this activity?)
B.  Cheating on your taxes if you can get away with it.
C.  Driving faster than the speed limit.  ('Oh PK, there's nothing wrong with that.'  Just answer the question.)
D.  Keeping money you found in the street.  ('I don't know who to give it back to.'  ANSWER THE QUESTION!)
E.  Lying in your own best interest.
F.  Not reporting accidental damage you did to a parked car.
G.  Throwing litter in a public place.
H.  Driving under the influence of alcohol.
I.   Making up stuff on a job application.
J.  Buying something you know is stolen.

According to the test's author, a straight-up score of 10 suggests you are very honest - 11 to 15 means you don't mind bending the rules but are more honest than average - 16-20 suggests you're relaxed about the rules and anything more than 21 implies you don't believe in living by the rules.

What was common about the above questions was that each of them posed an opportunity to do something when no one was looking.  The chance to 'get away with it' is often one of the driving forces of whether we would do it.

You live your life before an audience of One who is always watching.  Does that move you at all?

I scored a 13, so I have some work to do.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief, PK! When I looked at anything I have done in my life, I am in trouble. I think plenty are wrong, but I have to confess to my bad choices. Anyway, I got 18. That's terrible! I most definitely feel very much convicted...