Monday, October 29, 2012


I remember the first time I saw someone pray a sincere prayer with their eyes wide open.  I remember it so vividly because it wasn't that long ago.  I was sitting across from a friend and he began to pray and I was about to close my eyes when I noticed he was looking across the room at what appeared to be my edition of The World Almanac sitting on my shelf.  I went ahead and closed my eyes, like all good Christians do when they pray, but then I squinted my left one open about five seconds later only to find he was still staring at the book case, but also still praying like crazy.  I opened my other eye.  He didn't stop.  He didn't even seem to particularly care that I was watching him.  He just kept on imploring God for answers.

Since that time, there have been plenty of moments when I have done the same ... not to be a copycat.  I mean, he's a cool guy, but he wasn't doing it for the cool factor.

'I know what my wife would say if, every time I had a conversation with her, I closed my eyes.'

When I've gone thru a tough day, my mind can accumulate a lot of distracting thoughts and ideas that I have to shove to one side.  I can't see God when I close my eyes, and when I do, my attention starts to shift away from prayer to the things I just tried to shove out of the way.  So instead, I've started praying more often with eyes wide open.

We already do this in the car when we pray (hopefully), so it isn't like it's a new concept.  When I see someone who is needy or homeless, shutting my eyes on that person makes them become less real.  My mind can fool itself into ignoring him or her.  My empathy is stronger when my eyes are open, for some reason.

But there is more.  When I shut my eyes, I can't see the majesty that grows from the Earth.  I can't see the beautiful sky or the stars that shine into infinity.  Only when my eyes are open can I appreciate and bow to that supreme power which is the glory of God.

I know what my wife would say if, every time I tried to have a conversation with her, I closed my eyes.  You know, too.

So I face God more often now when I pray.  I encourage you to try it.  Stare directly into the face of God.  It'll feel a little funny at first, especially if you're praying into your goulash - but don't worry, you'll get used to it.  Toss to the wind all the conventions of prayer you've always learned or thought or been taught - and open wide.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

When I am at church I always close my eyes and fold my reverance to God. But when I am home, I have a picture of Jesus (a reproduction of the one at KFA in the prayer room)and I look at Jesus when I pray.

I have this thing where I say I am talking to God. Prayer seems too formal for me. I want to talk to Jesus as if He is close and a friend. I feel more genuine and trusting.

Another thing is that I never pray outloud, it is always in my mind. I am so afraid to pray in front of others. I can be a bit shy when I am speaking and not writing.

Another thing I have done is to write to God online and send it. I Googled it and there is an address for just that. I love to write, so I like that.

One thing that I love more than anything is that when I talk to God I feel a shiver thru my body and the blood rushes to my face. It is so nice to know He is there. It is wonderful.

PK's BLOG said...


Prayer IS talking to God. They're one-in-the-same, so you're PRAYING!

I'd encourage you in the praying out loud thing. Jesus prayed out loud. It's OK for you to. Just one of those stretching things that can take us all to the next level.

Until then, keep on keeping on!!!


Anonymous said...

I think some people raise their palms to the sky and pray outloud with their eyes open. Isn't that how Jesus prayed many times?

I always wish Jesus was here, in the flesh, with me. Praying to my picture of Him makes it better and the shivers and the blood rushing to my face lets me know, without a doubt, He is with me. I cannot tell you how I love it.

Anonymous said...

PK, I have been thinking about this today. When I say how much I wish Jesus was here with me I can see it in my head. He is perfect and loving and compassionate. I would just be awed and gather at His feet. The one thing I would wish for is for Him to give me a big hug, tell me He loves me and everything will be alright. I believe that in His presence I would feel very vulnerable and in many ways almost child-like. He knows everything that ever was and will be and I am such a simple person. It would be overwhelming. Anyway, these are my most sincere hopes for that day.