Sunday, October 21, 2012


I wish I had a dime (no, let's make that a dollar - adjusted for inflation, you know) for every time someone has told me God wanted them to be happy.  Typically they tell me this just before unveiling the anti-Biblical thing they're planning to do.

The devil never comes to you and says, 'Do this and suffer ... do this and die ... do this and be miserable.'  No.  Rather, you act on the idea that you'd be denying yourself fundamental happiness if you didn't do the thing, whatever it is.

Let's just be honest about that.  Sin brings pleasure ... but it never brings happiness.  That's a monstrous lie from the 'father of lies.'  'Do this and you'll be happy.'


It's impossible for sin to bring happiness to the child of God -- can't do it.  And yet, over and again, we say to ourselves, 'I'll be happy if I do this, even though I know God doesn't want me to.'

That's how sin deceives us.

One of the biggest justifications for evil in our culture today is 'our rights.'  'I have the right to do whatever I want to do.'

'I have the right to destroy my baby.'  Really?  Where'd you get that right?
'I have the right over my own body.'  Yeah?  Says who?  The government?  OK.  But did God give you that right?  You know better.  Every person in the world knows better.

'But if I don't, I won't be happy.'  If you do, you'll destroy all hope of happiness.  Meanwhile, the dimes rack up.

Obey - and be blessed.

1 comment:

Toby Mueller said...

Thanks for the Truth arrow to put in the quiver.