Sunday, September 2, 2012


I took this picture of the sunflower in our yard today.  We used to plant them in the garden at our previous home and they would literally grow so thick and tall - far taller than I - that at the end of the season, I would need a saw to cut them down.

We planted two this year -- the rabbits got one before we could stop them -- but this one survived, already over six feet tall.

I was going to go the easy and obvious route with it today and post some gratuitous spiritual blog about how the sunflower always faces the sun and isn't that truly what we're supposed to do?  Face the SON?  Get it?  Jesus is the Son of God and as believers we should always keep our eyes on ... yeah, you get it.

So as I was Googling about it -- because bloggers should always sound smarter than they really are and include all kinds of facts that everybody figured just came out of the wealth of knowledge that is their brain when the reality is, they Wikipedia-ed it all -- I discovered that sunflowers really don't turn toward the sun.  I always thought they did.  Someone told me that once and I have believed it ever since.  How frightening is that concept?

Then I looked at our big sunflower and realized IT wasn't facing the sun at the moment either -- so -- there ya go.

So, during my Google search I discovered that sunflowers -- after they're beyond the bud stage like ours is now -- face EAST.  Well, I just never knew that.  Fascinating.  But was it true?  So I went out to look at ours again, and lo and behold, it is facing East as East can be.  Like a sentinel -- facing East.  That's amazing.

'As lightning comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.'  (Matthew 24:27)

So the sunflower knows.  Keep looking East.  He's coming.

I'm sorry; I could not resist being spiritually obvious and gratuitous with this blog after all.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

The fact that you Google many things makes me smile, cause I do too! However I am nowhere near as intelligent as you. I end up Googling most everything. :)

PK's BLOG said...

You are likely far more intelligent than I. But thanks for saying it. :)