Friday, August 24, 2012


Joelene has sometimes told the story about her family growing up at dinner time.  Dad, mom, and the four kids used to split one chicken for dinner.

Dad - breast
Oldest brother - leg
Next brother - leg
Joelene - wing
Younger sister - wing
Mom - neck

Sounds filling, right?

I know her family also used to have a cow in the backyard at their house in Florida.  It was kind of a family pet until one day Joelene came home to find the cow gone.  I think that's when they started eating well, but I'm not totally sure.

So I heard this story today that reminded me of their eating woes and I thought it might be useful for others in that predicament:

A couple was driving in the country and suddenly a chicken raced past them and into a side road.

"Wow!" said the husband.  "Did you see how fast that chicken was running?"  Shortly after that another chicken passed their car with tremendous speed.  The wife said, "Did you notice that both of those chickens had three legs?" 

Now they were really curious so they decided to follow the road the three-legged chickens had come from.  Eventually they came to a farm and to their surprise there were all kinds of three-legged chickens running around.  A farmer came out to greet them and they asked him about the chickens.

He explained: "There are three of us in this family - me, my wife and our son - and every time we had chicken to eat, we all wanted the drumstick.  So after a lot of experimenting, we finally managed to raise three-legged chickens so we could each have a leg."

"That's fantastic," said the husband.  "And how do these chickens taste?"

"Well," said the farmer.  "We haven't actually been able to catch one yet?"


Just sayin.'

And be blessed.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My family is from the South, too. My Great Grandmother and Grandma (otherwise known as's a Southern thing, lol.) My Maw-maw had chickens and pigs. I wasn't too old, maybe 10 or so, and she rang ones neck for dinner right in front of me. It was awful! I didn't eat it that night, but I am still not a vegetarian, either...