Sunday, July 29, 2012


Unless you've experienced some particular problem with yours - or had a new one put in - we seldom think much about the heart in terms of the physical organ that beats in our chests.  We use the word 'heart' more often to describe our sentiments and passions.  We speak of it in very emotional terms ...

You wear your heart on your sleeve ...
You need to get to the heart of a matter ...
You have a special place in your heart for someone ...
Your heart gets broken ...

We use the word to talk about how we're feeling.  And yet, the heart is at the very center of our desires.  It's the seat of our wills.  If I were to bring one of our team members into my office and tell them we were going to address a heart issue, they'd know we were going to the very core of who they were.

'As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  (Proverbs 23:7)  I always thought thinking was associated with the mind, but the writer of this proverb says the real you thinks with his heart.

Stealing?  From your heart.
Murder?  From your heart.
Gossip?  From your heart.

'What's God's greatest dream for your anatomy? That you would run after Him.'

When you give your heart to someone, it doesn't mean you reach inside your chest cavity and grab a big, bloody hunk of cardiac tissue and offer it to someone.  It's a statement about your emotions.  Desire, despair, temptation, sorry, fear -- they're all there -- in your heart.

The heart is the seat of our integrity.  It's where honor lives.  God tries our hearts, searches our hearts, refines our heart, and knows our hearts - because that's where the true you is.

And what is God's greatest dream for your heart and your anatomy?  That you would run after Him.  Seek Him.  Wonder about Him.  Examine Him.  Look for Him.  Hunger and thirst for Him.  Reach for Him.  Grope for Him.  Call out to Him.  Listen for Him.  Turn to Him.  Return to Him.  Lie down and wake up with Him.  Work for Him.  Serve Him.  Praise and thank Him.  Adore Him.  Enjoy Him.  Love Him and be loved by Him.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice that you posted this today. I ran across an interview with AC Green today. He is the only hero I have ever had. He is such a strong Christian and a very exceptional person.

This is a link to his interview. Maybe no one will listen, but you never know. I will always have a deep love and respect for my "hero". He has touched my heart in the past and it continues till today.