Saturday, June 23, 2012

I read today that a Baptist church just northeast of Orlando, Florida has dreamed up a rather unique way of exposing false teachers to their flock -- they post the names on their church website.

Some of the people who made their recent website list were:  Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren & Bill Hybels.  Super-radicals all, man.  *(Kidding.)

Evidently the site was complete with youtube links and everything.  I was going to share the church website with you - which is part of the Conservative Baptist Association of America group of churches - but when I tried to check it out for myself, the website was 'under construction.'  Maybe they're re-considering.  Then again, maybe they're re-loading.

'This is why the Millenial generation doesn't want anything to do with the church in America.'

Truthfully, this is why the Millenial generation doesn't want anything whatever to do with the church in America today.  Whatever you think of the theology, styles or lifestyles of the above communicators, they are hardly false teachers.  I wouldn't mind being on a 'list' with them.

We need to get a grip on what we're showing and telling the unbelieving world today.  Last time I looked, 'They'll know we are Christians by our love' was pretty standard Bible fare.

Let it be.

And be blessed.

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