Sunday, May 27, 2012


I heard someone saying not long ago that the reason people should become believers in Jesus is that Christ-followers have more fun in life.

Well, I mulled that over for about 7.3 seconds and decided that wasn't true.  I mean, I don't know that we have less fun, but more fun?  Just because we decide to follow Jesus?  Hmmmm.

Fun isn't one of the fruit of the Spirit and I certainly don't find evidence for that point of view in Scripture - unless you count getting beaten, thrown in jail, stoned a time or two - fun.  Just being honest here, but I don't think we should ever try to convince those who aren't following Christ that the reason they should follow Him is because they'll suddenly have more fun in life.  Our job as believers isn't to compete with the world's pleasures so much, but to live out the life of Christ.  It certainly isn't devoid of fun or anti-fun, but fun isn't the reason we do it.  We do it because Jesus died for us and now showers us with grace that is practically irresistible.  (I say practically.)

'We have this sense that unbelievers live these utterly miserable existences.'

We also have this sense that unbelievers live these utterly miserable existences.  I don't know.  I find many who are disciplined, moral, great family people, generous, kind and at least as happy as the rest of us.  In fact, some of us who are believers might have something to learn from them.

What they lack is the understanding and faith that Jesus loves them, died for them, and that without Him, no matter how good they are or seem, there is no ultimate future apart from the grace of God.

That's why our job is 'to make it easy for people to find and experience God' ... not because we think it's going to be so easy for anybody, but that as followers of Christ we would exhibit lives that show peace in trouble, courage during fear, hope in collapse and endurance thru weariness ... and in showing those, our lives would make it easier for others to find Christ and Christ in us.

And be blessed.

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