Saturday, April 21, 2012


We always say God is ‘with us’ and while that is absolutely true, it goes much deeper than you might think.
Christianity is the only religious faith that says God Himself actually suffered.  No other faith has that.  We have come to understand that Jesus’ suffering was of great good to us because we are looking at the greatest act of love and grace in all of history.  God came into the world and suffered and died on a cross in order to save us.  
And when you experience pain or loss in some way today, you may be completely in the dark about the reason for it all.  But the cross at least tells you what the reason for your trouble isn’t.  It can’t be that God doesn’t love you;  it can’t be that He has no plan for you.  It can’t be that He has abandoned you.
'Jesus paid for your sins so God the Father would never abandon you.'

Jesus was abandoned.  He paid for your sins so God the Father would never abandon you.  The cross proves He loves you and understands what it means to have pain.  It also demonstrates God can be working in your life even when it seems there is no good reason for it all.
And I know when you go through the storm of loss, the Bible doesn’t say to pretend it doesn't hurt.  A lot of us grew up being taught that acting like it didn’t hurt was a sign of strength.  It isn’t. 
Remember playing ‘The Quiet Game’ when you were a kid?  You’d be traveling and you and your brothers in the back seat would start getting really fidgety and start making trouble.  It would get all cramped and sweaty back there ... and what would you ask your mom and dad?
‘Are we there yet?’
And your mom would say: ‘I have a wonderful idea.  Why don't you play the quiet game?  Let’s see who can be the quietest back there, shall we?  Whoever is quietest for the longest wins.  It’s a wonderful game.’
And you obediently - and naively - played it.  Until one day something wonderfully liberating occurred to you.  You realized you didn’t have to play ‘The Quiet Game.’  Remember that day?  You thought, ‘I’m 17 years old and I don’t have to do this anymore.’  
Even in the church we sometimes encourage people to play ‘The Quiet Game’ by pretending it doesn’t hurt and by showing how strong they are.  I don't know where that idea comes from, but it doesn’t come from the Bible.
God is not threatened by people expressing anger or grief over hurt.   Some of you have been playing ‘The Quiet Game’ far too long.  You have losses you have never mourned 
and tears you have never shed.  You need to stop running.
You need to find someone to share that with.  Get yourself in a life group -- get in a community that walks beside you.  Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself with your grief.
Let’s turn that around 180 degrees:  Some of you know someone who is in grief right now; maybe you need to do something.  Write a note - make a call - invite someone out - make a visit - ask someone how they’re doing and really mean it.  Don’t let them leave until they tell you.
Realize the difference that makes in somebody's life. 
And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would give ahything if Jesus was here to talk to and may sound silly to some of you , but I mean it. I suppose I will keep playing the Quiet Game.