Thursday, April 12, 2012


There is some terrible advice out there.  I've received plenty of bad advice in my lifetime and I'm trying to cut back on the amount I give to others. 

For example:

'Follow your heart.'  I think this is terrible advice, because usually it's all about how you feel - and everybody knows how you feel is unreliable.  Listen to your heart, but use your brain and let it have some veto power.

And then there is:  'Don't take NO for an answer.'  It could just be me, but I find that most people aren't fond of those who try to impose their will on others.  You've been on the phone with telemarketers who have the knack of forcing you to stay on the line until you've said 'yes.'  Or the person in the job interview who is so forward and persistent that you're thinking, 'If she's this annoying during the first impression stage ... '   Sometimes 'no' is the right answer.

Or you've heard the advice: 'Never take crud from anybody.'  Sometimes you have to.  I've eaten my share of crow - undeservedly - which is pretty much the definition of 'eating crow.'  A better alternative is to choose your battles.

"I've received plenty of bad advice in my lifetime and I'm trying to cut back on the amount I give to others."  

Another piece of bad advice is: 'Face your fears.'  For instance, if you're afraid of public speaking, there's no good reason for you to walk onstage in the middle of your high school senior's graduation and grab the mike to prove you can do it without passing out.  If you're afraid of heights, just stay away from the Sears Tower elevator and forget it.  Don't bother facing it.  Go on with life and never think about it again.  Facing your fears is not always good advice.

One last piece of bad advice is: 'Don't pay attention to what others think.'  Really?  There are all kinds of things you need to consider the way others think about you ... job interviews or meeting your potential in-laws.  The worst thing in the world is the person who says whatever he wants and then follows it up with: 'I'm just honest; it's just the way I am.  If you don't like it ... '  There is a balance to everything, but turning ourselves into feeling-less beings where we stop caring about how our actions or responses impact others is neither Biblical nor endearing. 

Disclaimer:  Some of this may not be good advice.

And be blessed.

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