Friday, April 13, 2012


My name is Kevin Taylor and yes, I'm a pastor. 

I love my job but my startling admission is that I don't always like to tell people what I do for a living.  It seems to come up often in conversations and people seem to change their behavior when I tell them what I do.  I've come to find out many have had bad experiences with religious folk in their pasts.  

When I've been asked the big vocation question, I've thought about answering: 'I'm a veteranarian,' or, 'I make donuts for a living,' but then I figure they'll follow it up by asking something about baking or dog's spleens that I can't answer.  Not to mention it's a lie.

"I love my job but my startling admission is that I don't always like to tell people what I do for a living."

Sometimes I have almost said, 'I counsel people,' or 'I'm an executive,' or 'I'm a writer' -- all technically true, but shady nonetheless.

Once we start talking they seem to ease up a little and there is usually a good exchange.  I usually walk away praying there was a seed planted and that maybe the next time they encounter a believer, everybody in the conversation will have a better chance. 

My name is Kevin Taylor and yes, I'm a pastor. 

And be blessed.


A day in the life on earth said...

Wooooo hoooooo Pastor

Kids Church Stuff said...

LOL... I know exactly what you mean. I tell people I work with kids and it seems to be enough. Just try telling them you clean toilets, counsel, administrate, tell people what to do, etc... :)

Toby Mueller said...

Thankful that you are a pastor.

MOM said...

A very proud MOM of a very fine PASTOR. This MOM saw CPA written all over her son's forehead because of his math abilities, and when he came and said he was going to BIBLE COLLEGE, can you imagine what I thought. Couldn't be prouder of how the Lord led him into higher heights and deeper depths with HIM.

Love ya SON

PK's BLOG said...

Yeh - some days I'd like to be a CPA. :)