Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have a lot of questions for God.

Why don't You stop pain and evil?
When will the world end?
Why do bad people prosper?
Why aren't things in life more fair?
What's the deal with mosquitoes?

... for starters.

It seems like we as a society are obsessed with needing answers.  Do a simple GOOGLE search on any topic and you'll find endless questions followed by endless answers by endless authors.  Each click of the mouse promises what you're looking for, not unlike the old phrase: 'Too many cancers, too many cures.'

 'God is God.  Aren't you glad?'

I like the quick fix as much as the next guy, but they are not usually satisfying, long-term.  I'm not sure we're comfortable with leaving the room with the questions still unanswered.

I read somewhere that there are 288 questions in the book of Job in the Bible - but 78 of them are from God to us.

Sometimes that's how He answers our questions - with more questions.  And that just leaves us humbled - and let's face it - who really likes that?

God is God.  Aren't you glad?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I know I will think of many more, but one thing that comes to mind immediately is... How do you know when you are being disciplined by God or if difficulties and problems are just part of life? I know you have said before that we will still have some pain in life, even if we are Christians.

BTW, if you have any idea, as to my question, tell me...

Nancy Murphy said...

Love your blog, Pastor Kevin. The book of James promises we will have trials in this world. Trials "grow us" in Christ. He has a purpose for each one of them. Sometimes, what we experience is a Consequence. That's different from a Trial, and with a different purpose!

Someone once said "if I can figure God out, is He really big enough to be my God?" I'm pretty happy to go with that...
