Thursday, February 2, 2012


Growing up, it seemed that the philosophy of church was 'behave--->believe--->belong.'  In other words, before you could really be part of us, you had to clean up your act some.  It didn't matter that the church was a hospital for sick people, we wanted them to get a little more healthy before coming in.  Once you did that, you needed to believe -- and after a sufficient waiting period beyond that, you could really become part of us.


Today, that approach has - thankfully (and more Biblically) been stood on its head.  Consider the philosophy now - at least at KFA: 'belong--->believe--->become.' Many people are coming to us and sitting and watching for months just to see if they'll be accepted in some way.  Tattoos, yes.  Piercings, yes.  Addictive behaviors, yes.  Adulterers, yes.  Abusers, yes.  Broken, yes.  Looking for love, yes.  In need of God, most definitely. 

After they realize we love them and that they can become part of us socially, relationally and spiritually - after they see Jesus in us - they believe and give their lives to Christ.  After that, God allows us to be involved in the most beautiful process of watching them become what He had planned all along.

I love ministry in the 21st century.

And be blessed.

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