Sunday, December 11, 2011


I've never been that great at trusting. I've gotten a lot better but I lean to the cynic, unfortunately. That's why this whole walk by 'faith' rather than by 'sight' is a stretch for me. I'm from Missouri, after all - 'Show me.'

But think about it. We’re all being asked to trust that God, in fact, did visit this planet in the person of Jesus Christ and that Jesus was born miraculously to two Jewish peasants.

We’re being asked to believe that at thirty years of age, He started doing miracles and healing people - and then - after three years, He sacrificed Himself and paid for the sins of the entire world as He was crucified on a cross between two thieves.

We’re being asked to believe that three days later He was resurrected from the grave and then ascended to Heaven where, from that time until this time, He’s been reaching out to fallen, sinful people all over the world, including you and me -- offering hope and a new start — a more satisfying life -- an eternal future -- a free gift.

Do you trust all that? Do you believe it? Do you believe it enough to stake everything in your life on it? Because that’s exactly what God asks of you. Do you believe it enough to spread the word of this free gift to every door God opens for you? Because that’s exactly what God asks of you.

This Christmas -- even though some are facing medical challenges that have you scared to death -- some are facing financial shortages, job setbacks, family heartbreaks -- God is asking us this Christmas to believe that He is a powerful God -- a good God — that somehow, some way, He’s going to be faithful to His Word even though we can’t see it all right now. He can be trusted to orchestrate all your circumstances into a plan that ends up in a good result for you.

Believe it, Missouri or not.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I trust that all of these things are true that you write of. I am not too cynical...just terribly insecure.

I believe these things, but I am not obedient. Sometimes, it seems that there are so many rules and I will never live up to God's expectations, so I give up. I know, without a doubt, that if the Rapture happened today, I would go straight to Hell. Do not pass go.

Sometimes, I think there is a place for me in church and then I start thinking too much and I know that I am lucky that God doesn't strike me down when I come into it.

One of my worst qualities is that I am an "immediate gratification" person. Eternity is too hard to wrap my brain around. Oh well. This may be too raw for the blog, but I am a lost soul.

PK's BLOG said...

How can you be lost, my friend, when you know much you are loved by an eternal God?

Feydd said...

I would say to Anonymous that there are NOT so many rules...there are but two: Love your neighbor as yourself and Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul...those encompass all the other rules. You are loved by a Father who wants to see you succeed and receive His's hard to let go of the worldly things sometimes and just embrace Him. It's like driving with a blindfold on and trusting your best friend to guide you down the road *without peeking*. But once you do it, your trust will grow and your fear will subside. Living and walking with God is a moment by moment decision that YOU have to choose to do. When you realize you've fallen down, get up again, take His hand and keep going. Just like you would help your 3 year old son get up if he fell so will your Father in heaven help you up. :)
"The Furious Longing of God" is a book just for you, please get it. It will bring you to a better understanding of a son's relationship with his Father God.

Peace be unto you.