Thursday, December 15, 2011


Every weekend that I stand in a church auditorium to speak to people, I face an enormous challenge. I am there as a man who is a believer in Jesus Christ, with a personally held deep conviction and commitment to follow Him. I come as a pastor who loves the church (and I'm not talking about the building). I come as an American born in the late 1950s and living in 2011.

I have to take a book called the Bible and relate it to those who are listening. It is a book that has been written not only in languages different from mine, but in cultures and in centuries different than the one I presently live in.

I have come to understand that the Bible gives God's unassailable truth, yet in a cultural container. The truth is absolute; the container, not so much. So I have to pour that truth from the container of first century Hebrew-Greek culture into the container of 20th century American culture. When that is done properly, not a drop of truth is lost.

For instance: 'Greet each other with a holy kiss,' found in I Corinthians 16. How about, 'Give warm, kind, genuine, sincere welcomes to each other as an expression of your love and unity?' Truth vs. container. In Kenosha, we shake hands or give hugs - maybe a fist pump or two, depending.

As leaders and pastors and shepherds and communicators, we have a responsibility to understand people and culture. Life can be hard - disappointing - a struggle. People come on the weekend overflowing with needs and looking for answers. They need hope and meaning.

We can give it to them by pouring the living water - the truth - into containers they can handle and drink from.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Why is life so hard for some people and so beautiful for others? It seems so random. I believe in God, but it is almost as if your lot in life is a lottery. Some people really hit it big and some people just don't stand a chance. Why does God do that? Lot was good and faithful and he suffered so much. Why?

PK's BLOG said...

I don't know. Why not? Why shouldn't we suffer? I thought you said Lot was good and faithful and yet he suffered. I'm not sure that's the story on Lot but it's your premise. Yet he still suffered. So then people who do things right and 'hit the lottery' still sometimes suffer. Only 'bad' people should suffer? 'Good' people should live without incident? No. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Jesus lived a pretty good life, wouldn't you say? Did He suffer? Just be faithful and keep your eyes on God and don't let your faith be shaken - no matter what.

Anonymous said...

This is very elementary, but when we are children, if we are obedient, we get more privileges and we make our parents happy. The same thing in the workforce. But there is no rhyme or reason to what happens when we are obedient to God. I know what you'll say...God see the entire picture and we only see a small part. The thing is...what is the incentive to obey? Eternity is too big to least for me. I am not sure if this even makes sense to a pastor, but if I can't ask you, then who can a talk to? I suppose I could Google it. Sigh...

PK's BLOG said...

If you know what I"m going to say, why do you ask me?

By your illustration, "When we were children, if we were obedient, we got more privileges and made our parents happy. Same thing in the workforce." Why do you not think the same applies in the spiritual world. When you obey, you get privileges in the Kingdom and you make your Heavenly Father happy. Why is it sufficient incentive as a child, but not sufficient incentive as a believer for you?


Anonymous said...

Sorry, PK...this did not come out the way I intended it. I ask you because you are my pastor and you understand God and the bible in ways I never will.

I really DID Google it and I understand that we all are sinners and no one sin is greater than another, so God shows His mercy by not punishing us the way we deserve.

As a parent, I could not do something to intentially hurt my children and if I had the power to stop it, I would. I can understand consequences for sin, but I used to be very, very good and all I ever wanted was for God to be proud of me. I still had negative things happen to me. Oh well. All of my questions and doubts will never change it.

Sigh...JK! :)

Anonymous said...

I read some more online on various answers to the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" There are areas of my life where the saying "Curiosity killed the cat" applies.

Anyway, two things I read really made me think a little more deeply. First, this writer also addressed the example of protecting our children. He said if we put our children in a bubble and protected them from every difficult situation, then that would not be "living" this free gift of life...and free will. I know if we never dealt with hard things, then we can't appreciate the joys in life. There would be no basis for comparison.

The other point that rang true to me is...if we look at God and ask why He let something bad happen, then we also have to ask..Do I deserve all of the good things He has done for me? I have had difficult situations, but God truly has blessed me with far more than that. Sometimes, I can be a "glass half empty" person. I wish I could change that, but it is just the truth.

Anonymous said...

PK...I have a question for you. Why does only give us only one chance for salvation? Once we die, that it is for eternity. Will Jesus ever make another miracle to save those in Hell? I just remember the Prodigal son and how the Father was so excited that he came home. Could God do that? I've never heard of anything at all in the bible...but why not?

PK's BLOG said...

Anon --- God gives us far more than 'one chance.' Every day you live is a chance. We have all had countless chances up till now.

I think the reason you have not heard of that concept in the Bible is because it would be the height of cheapening the gift and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. What would be the point of letting everyone wait until they ended up in hell and THEN make a choice. At that point, is there really a choice to be made at all? Wouldn't everybody choose the same thing at that moment?

Jesus' death on the cross would become of no effect - for no reason. The gift is extended to you every single day you are alive. Embrace Him. He loves you.


Anonymous said...

Are there different levels of Hell? Will Hitler or those like him go to one place and those of us who think we are "good people" go to a place that is not so horrible? I hope so...I cannot bear the thought that it is all the same. Even though I believe in Jesus, I am not good enough to go to heaven.

PK's BLOG said...

None of us are good enough. I wish we would just learn that. That we can't be good enough is why we have Jesus. He is good enough.