Friday, December 2, 2011


God has your back. He isn't mad at you. He likes you.

I have a friend who lives in California. He's always telling me that God likes him better than me because he's always having these cool and amazing things happen to him. Me? I get nothin.' We were standing at a conference once waiting for them to pull names out of a hat for big prizes. He won one; I got nothin.' It's happened several times with us.

'That's because God likes me best,' he said.

" ... Not only is God not mad at you, He is actively for you."

We both know he was joking but it's become a running joke with us. Unfortunately, some people believe that kind of thing. But God isn't against you because of how you behave or because of something you did three years ago - or last weekend.

In fact, not only is God not mad at you, He is actively for you.

Remember the days of tug-of-war? You'd get a thick rope, find a big puddle or mud hole and pick teams to see who could pull the other side into the puddle of mud. There was always one guy in the group that was bigger than everybody else. It was important you ended up on his team or you and your side were probably going to get muddy.

The God of the universe is on your team. There is no question. He is for you - and if He is, who can possibly be against you.

God has your back.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

PK, can I ask you an honest question? My brother is not a believer and he is quite ill. I am not sure if he will recover. I am not completely sure how to talk with him about Jesus. He may even be an atheist...he has never been open to discussing it. Is God mad at someone like him or is he just facing the consequences of his disobedience? If he is being punished, then I deserve no less. I'm sorry, I just very worried and he is not a Christian.

LA Nickers said...

Love it. Somehow, He manages to love EACH of us the best.

Hey, He's God. It's His prerogative.

And love the Sea of Galilee photo. (Gee, I think I TOOK that one. hehe)


PK's BLOG said...

How can God be mad at someone He loves and created and wants with Him forever. God is not mad. We sometimes - wrongly - put our qualities onto God, assuming He will act the way WE would. But He doesn't - Thank God. We all deserve punishment. You can be thankful God doesn't treat any of us as our sins deserve.

Anonymous said...

There was a little part of me that felt angry at God for allowing my brother to get so sick. My brother is only 46 and he is too young to die. I know that God is merciful and I'm not really angry with Him. It's just hard to see someone you love suffer. I wish I could make things better. And it's hard to see my Mom so upset, too. I'm seeing him tomorrow and I am nervous to see how he is doing now. Hopefully, this will open the door to talking about God with him.