Monday, November 28, 2011


It was a great day 'in the house' yesterday. The Ripple Effect series we just finished had measurable impact on the folks. Many people raised their hands, expressing a desire to come to faith in Christ.

It never ceases to amaze me, this relationship with Jesus. There is a very real paradox to Him that cannot be fully explained. There isn't any comprehensive statement, confession or creed that can adequately describe Him and 'say it all.'

But every weekend we see the experience of His transforming power in people's lives - and it seems to precede any acceptance of some stated dogma or theology. Those things do not function as gates thru which a person must first pass in order to access God's grace. It is not a matter of intellectual conversion or agreement with right statements, but of personal change and evidence of that in behavior.

Looking forward to see what God continues to do.

And be blessed.

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