Monday, October 17, 2011


For some reason I was yearning for the "good ol' days" today. I'm not sure why. I just get nostalgic that way sometimes.

In the "good ol' days," I used to think Jesus was returning at any time. At several moments, I actually thought He HAD come. One thing I was 100% sure of; you didn't want to miss it.

'I committed my life to Christ at least several times a week just for insurance.'

I remember sitting thru a whole batch of rapture-type movies as a kid:
'A Thief in the Night' (scary, scary), 'A Distant Thunder,' and 'Image of the Beast.' A musician named Larry Norman wrote a song called, 'I Wish We'd All Been Ready' that left you lying awake in your bed at night watching the ceiling, half expected a really loud heavenly trumpet to blast at any second.

I might get up in the middle of the night and tiptoe into my grandma's room to see if she was still there just to make sure I hadn't missed it. I figured if she was in her bed, I was safe.

Because of that, I committed my life to Christ at least several times a week just for insurance.

I still think Jesus could return at any time, but I'm not longing for those "good ol' days" any longer. After that, I am now longing for the grace of the present (and the future).

And be blessed.


Bill Tait said...

Funny thing is......It's much closer now than it was then.

PK's BLOG said...

Yeah! And am way less scared.

Anonymous said...

i remember as a child thinking, "Oh God if you could come right now then I wouldn't have to be grounded!" hahaha. I cannot wait for that day! but in the same breath I really hope to have the time to ensure I am taking as many people with me as possible.