Saturday, October 1, 2011


The famous joke by Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff is one I have quoted many times. When he first came to the United States, he says he saw powdered milk - "just add water and you get milk." Then he saw powdered orange juice - "just add water and you get orange juice." Then he saw baby powder and he thought to himself, 'What a country!'

A basic assumption about life change is that when you come to Christ at salvation, it all happens instantly - your behavior changes, your speech patterns change, every addiction is automatically broken, all your attitudes become heavenly -- you, disciple are born, not made.

Truth is, when you come to faith, your eternal destiny is instantly altered, your life purpose is changed in a moment, but spiritual growth comes as a result of a process called renewal. Paul said, 'Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.' (Romans 12:2)

It's an idea similar to the word 'metamorphosis.' And what picture, from the animal world, comes to mind when you hear that word?

'A basic assumption about life change is that when you come to Christ at salvation, it all happens instantly.'

The butterfly, right? The process of going from cocoon to butterfly is “metamorphosis.” It’s a process that involves a conspicuous change in an animal’s structure. But you realize by what process the butterfly is changed. It is changed by emerging from its cocoon thru great struggle. If it doesn't struggle with enough gumption, it’s wings won’t gain enough strength to fly, so the struggle is, in and of itself, an important part of the process for the butterfly. So Paul says ‘Be transformed’ -- by great struggle -- by great determination -- it may not be totally easy, but change what you are on the outside to match what you are inside.

And what are you on the inside after coming to faith in Christ? Well, you are a child of God - you are a holy nation - a peculiar people - called out of darkness into light - a chosen generation - redeemed and purified - saintly.

You, follower of Christ, are called to be transformed on your outside by your behaviors, values, opinions and attitudes - so they match what your redeemed self is on the inside.

And be blessed.

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