Wednesday, August 31, 2011


M. Lucado was recently interviewed in Leadership Journal and he said some things about ministry that I have tried to put into practice as well as some things I need to get a whole lot better at ...

-- When a person comes into your office asking a question, often their first question isn't really the question. That first one is kind of like tossing the tennis ball into the air. It's a practice swing. They're just testing to see if you're listening to them or not ... if you answer to quickly, your odds of providing a good answer diminish. Sometimes people don't really want an answer; they just want to be heard. They just need to get something off their chests.

-- Often, people ask you questions because they believe God has told you something. And of course we know that isn't always the case. But they're asking because they believe you will bring a frame of reference to the conversation that is Biblically-based and God-centered.

-- Sometimes when a person asks you a question - or wants you to pray for them - the best course of action is to give them a verse that applies to their situation and then, just pray.

-- We no longer live in a day in which the pastor is given authority just by virtue of the title. That change is probably good for us. Now we must earn the authority to speak into someone's life.

-- By nature, I'm a pretty gentle person. (My own 'stoic' exterior shouldn't be misread there.) But when I have seen our church members head down routes of divorce, or into careers that will take all their time from their families, I feel within me a passion rising, and I'll warn them directly. They may not always agree with me, but I think they respect it.

We are called to speak into people's lives. The Holy Spirit is leaning into us, counting on us to speak truth to people with wisdom and in love.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is really incredible how relavant your words of encouragement are. There have been numerous occasions now that I have been either in a book of the bible and you preached on that specific book the next Sunday! There have been times when my husband and I have been tossing over new ideas we think God is urging us about and you have spoken about that! This current one hits really close to home. Thank God for your words of encouragement!

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks so very much. Blessings.