Monday, August 8, 2011


I wonder what the hardest part of your job is. For pastors, there would be several answers to that question.

Some pastors would say selecting staff is the hardest part of their job.

Others would say it’s the fishbowl they live in - where everything you say is evaluated and everything you do is judged.

Still others would say it’s the preparation needed to teach every weekend.

For me, the hardest part might be saying ‘NO.’

Contrary to what some believe, I don’t enjoy saying “NO.” Not at all. For instance, when someone wants to start a new ministry, as good as it is, sometimes it isn’t within the vision and focus of what God has called us to do in our city - even though it’s an amazing ministry. Or, sometimes a person wants to meet with me for counseling and I end up referring him or her to someone else - a staff person or a professional counselor. Saying “NO” to that kind of thing is one of the things that kills me because I don’t want them to feel unloved or not cared for.

But I know God has brought some amazing people into relationship with us and into our own organization who have far more wisdom than I. Saying “NO” in some of those situations also frees me to do what God has called me to at KFA. That way we can both use our gifts to the fullest.

That said, it’s still difficult - especially when someone says, “I feel like I relate to you best, PK.” But I think that might be because they listen to me talk for 40 minutes (OK, sometimes longer) on weekends. So when I say ‘This person can help you better,’ there’s part of me that feels I’ve let them down. I know that isn’t really the case because the person I’ve referred them to is way better at meeting the need than I am. That’s why God placed them in the body of Christ to begin with. Only a selfish pastor hogs all the ministry opportunities for Himself. Only a pastor with a serious ego issue believes only he can meet the needs of the congregation.

I know God has called Kevin Taylor to do two things at KFA: lead and feed. I’m called to lead the church where God is calling us and to feed the people His Word. If I deter from that focus, it’s over for me.

So now I’m saying “NO” a little more. And the result is that more people are receiving ministry ... the church is moving forward where God wants us to go ... I’m more prepared to share the Word ... we’re reaching more people than ever ... and our staff is experiencing the joy of being an instrument in God’s hand.

What’s the hardest part of your job?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I think with the demands of your ministry you really do have to say no. You are only one person and you can't be split up in so many directions at once. You're just a really nice person and I am one of the ones that has connected with you the most. I have been so lucky to call you a friend. Having said that, Pastor Lisa and I are developing a good friendship, too. She is very nice and helpful!

Jo said...

The hardest part of my job came just last week. one of our co-workers died. He was an amazing person with a wonderful family. and I never said one single word to him about God. We even have a Bible study here every month! I never invited him. I have witnessed to others. And many people know I am saved. But I never talked to him. i am sad about that. I wonder if anyone else ever talked to him? Hardest part of being in the working world.