Sunday, May 22, 2011


One of the single most important things I need to do as a pastor is to stay encouraged - to keep my hope level high - and some of the ways I do that are to keep my prayer life up to date and my Word life up to date and my marriage up to date and the relationships that bless me up to date and my personal time up to date.

If I don’t stay encouraged, I’m not going to be the husband God has called me to be ...

If I don’t stay encouraged, I’m not going to be the dad and grandfather God has called me to be ...

I’m not going to be the friend God has called me to be ...

I’m not going to be the pastor God has called me to be ...

But sometimes we get to the end of the year and what we’ve had, rather than hope, is the opposite of hope - and that is discouragement.

We’re in very good company with the opposite of hope because the simple truth is almost every single person in the BIble had to bounce back from some kind of discouragement. Moses had to ... John Mark had to ... Peter had to ... Joseph had to ... Elijah had to ... Mary and Martha had to ... Abraham had to ... Paul had to ... we all have to. It’s universal.

And the million dollar question is this: ‘Is there a way - no matter how discouraged I may be - to replace that discouragement with hope?’

It would seem the starting points in moving away from discouragement and fear and depression and moving into hope is all about re-charging your spirit - relying on God - re-focusing on serving - refusing to give up - and those are impossible to do without God. We have to fight for hope.

So 2010 wasn’t your favorite year -- mine either. And maybe so far, 2011 hasn’t been that hot for you either -- but is there hope?

Can your marriage bounce back? Can it?
Can your kids bounce back? Can they?
Can your ministry bounce back?

Can your small group bounce back?

Can your business bounce back?

Can your job bounce back?

Can YOU bounce back? Is there any real reason for encouragement? Is there any real reason to hope? Or is it over?

It isn't over. Get back up. There is unstoppable hope with Jesus that can be yours today.

And be blessed.

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