Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well ... it was just a momentous day in the Taylor household today --- so momentous, in fact, that I could not let it pass without blogging about it.

I fixed my own toilet today.

That's right.

The chain broke on the rubber whatchamacallit that suctions to the porcelain thingy inside the tank so that we couldn't flush - and that's a real problem - especially as the day wears on.

So I went to Home Depot and bought a new doo-hickey to replace the broken whatchamacallit. I stuck my hand in the cold water and managed to reattach the new one all by myself and ... voila! ... it actually works - which was fortunate for us because they day was wearing on.

And I just had to tell the world about it.

And be blessed.


Bob W. said...

You are always flush with new thoughts!

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you! ;)

Toby Mueller said...

You are now a Jack Of All Trades. Congratulations.

PK's BLOG said...

Wow. That's all it took. Nice!

Buddy said...

And away go troubles down the drain.