Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Meeting again today with some folks, it became clear to me how challenging it is to hear God's voice. It can be so easy to miss if you're not careful, even though He's pretty much the only one speaking from heaven. There is just a lot of noise to drown out the one sound we most desperately need to hear.

I think we like Jesus. We like what He's about. We like what He represents. He has become the 'add-on' to pretty much every world religion and philosophy because most people think He was a pretty good guy. But - truth is - we've twisted His words and changed His meanings because what He was saying here and there didn't settle with us personally.

He speaks, but we translate it wrong. He leads, but we insist He doesn't mean 'there.' He calls, but we hunker down in our seats so He'll pick the other dude. He motions us over, but we wave Him off with other more important things. Maybe later. Not now. In a few. When I'm ready.

But Jesus' way isn't like all the other ways. It's a narrow path, while all others are broad. There's a reason His way is different from the others; because He is different. We don't deserve to be on the path, but He invites us anyway. It isn't a trick, or a bait-and-switch. It's the real deal. He is speaking loud enough ... often enough ... clear enough. I'm starting to think we just aren't listening.

And be blessed.


Unknown said...

That is so true...the past months..ha, even years I've struggled seeing his signs and hearing his answers to my prayers. I think a lot is because I want the answer, but have a hard time believing that the answer he gave "is the answer"...or at times it isn't the answer I want to accept...

Anonymous said...

WE are either busy with the Lord or busy with the world.