Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I stayed up kind of late last night playing games on my new EVO 4G phone. My old phone died last week and I was forced to get something on the spot. That's what I ended up with.

I'm really into mind-teasers and brain-benders and stuff like that and it's the first phone I've had where I have been able to download a ton of apps so I feel 'cool' now like the rest of you. So I was exercising my mind last night with all these game apps.

There is an old commercial slogan that says: 'A mind is a terrible thing to waste,' which I think used to be the slogan for the United Negro College Fund. It's a great and true saying.

That is one of the ways God calls us to love Him - with our minds - engaging all our powers of thought to know God as fully as possible in order to treasure Him for all He is worth.

That means God is not honored with some kind of groundless, meaningless love. I'm not sure there is any such thing as authentic love that is meaningless, other than the 'love' I have for chocolate. If we know nothing about God, there isn't anything in our minds to awaken love for Him. If love doesn't come from knowing God with something deeper than a rapid pulse, there is no point calling it love FOR God. There might be some vague attraction there, but if it doesn't rise out of knowing God, it is not love FOR Him.

So love Him - with your mind. And to do that, know Him.

And be blessed.

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