Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is a story about a child who didn't like to be seen in public with her mother because her mother's arms were terribly disfigured. One day when her mother took her shopping and reached out her hand, the clerk looked horrified. Later, crying, the girl told her mother how embarrassed she was.

Understandably hurt, the mother waited awhile before going to her daughter to tell her, for the first time, how it happened.

"When you were a baby, I woke up to a burning house. Your room was an inferno. Flames were everywhere. I could have gotten out the side door safely, but I decided I'd rather die with you than leave you alone to die. I ran thru the fire and wrapped my arms around you. Then I went back thru the flames, my arms on fire. When we got outside, the pain was agonizing, but the joy at seeing you healthy and whole was all I needed."

Stunned, the girl looked at her mother thru brand new eyes. In shame and gratitude, she kissed her mother's scarred arms and hands.

God paid the highest price on our behalf. We therefore have no grounds for believing he doesn't 'get it.' Whenever we're tempted to ask Him: "Why are You doing this TO me?" it might be better to ask: "Why did You do that FOR me?"

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I have a very serious question for you, PK. How do we keep the immensity of what Jesus did in front of us? For me, the best way I know is to re-watch The Passion of the Christ.

How do you not get swept up in the everyday things of life and remember what He did and why?

I said in an earlier post that I am reading great book, called No Other Gods. We often get too immersed in other things. I know lots of us get side-tracked. I am NOT the only one. I just would be grateful if someone else would tell me how they stop doing it.

In this fragmented society, is it even possible? We have information coming at us, endlessly. At least, I am single...not as many distractions. Thanks for the blog, though, it is ONE way I stay on track.

PK's BLOG said...

Watching the PASSION is one way to do it. But you can't do that every day - well, I couldn't.

So we need simpler more ordinary ways to keep Him in front of us. I have set my watch to beep every hour on the hour - that's my reminder to just think about God and how good He has been and how much He has done.

Anonymous said...

No, I can't do that every day, either. If I could live in your world for a couple of weeks, I wonder what I would get from that...what difference would it make in my life. I am so disconnected, other than Sundays and your blog. I need a Christian husband! I am working on that...lol.

I need reinforcements... seriously...

PK's BLOG said...

Reinforcements, maybe. A Christian husband, no. We don't need Christian spouses unless and until we have learned the stability of the Christian walk on our own. Marriage just becomes an unhealthy crutch in that case.

Learn to walk with Christ as a single person in steady fashion - and then see what wonderful things God does with you.