Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Remember that story in the New Testament where Jesus collects all His disciples and says, "Come follow Me," and they did - and then He said, "I want you to identify with me 1,000%" and they all ended up getting tattoos on their shoulders that said 'FOM,' which stands, of course, for 'Fishers Of Men?'

Rememer that? Yeh, me neither. It would have been DOPE though, don't you think? And you would also think that story was true based on how many people end up getting 'Christian tattoos' on their bodies. The easiest ones seem to be a cross or maybe the fish thing, but there are scores of other tats that prove you're a believer. Dope.

One of the most amazing ones I've read about was a guy who got a tattoo of the conversion of the Apostle Paul down his whole right arm. Now that is kind of cool, if you go for that kind of thing. I guess the guy even ended up telling his story of faith on the show 'L.A. INK' because of it. If I was into it, I might want to depict the story of the Prodigal Son on me somewhere - but I'll settle for just thinking about it since the only way that is going to happen is if my wife is nowhere on the planet.

And be blessed.


Mrs. M said...

This post is hilarious to me PK. For years my Mom wanted to get a tattoo, and I always told her all the reasons it was ridiculous! Then after she accepted Jesus she went and got one to symbolize her faith...a cross with a rose. MY MOM GOT A TATTOO!!! Deep down inside I snicker at the little rebel in her! (But don't tell her I said so!) Hehehe

Anonymous said...

Funny...I don't have any "Christian" tattoos, but after I my divorce, I went thru a rebellious time. I got two of them. A butterfly and a rose... discreet, though. I guess if I had it to do over, I wouldn't have gotten them, but, oh well. They are kind of pretty!