Friday, December 10, 2010


I strongly believe that every single one of us has a unique calling on his life. That is certainly not something reserved for a chosen few who end up as pastors like me. We all fulfill our calling (or not) by being excellent as we express our talents and abilities - our dreams and passions. Anybody can do a job, but a calling is lived out by someone who has tapped into a source that goes far beyond education or intelligence.

Work that is connected to calling is never done only as an exchange for a paycheck. It should provide a sense of being connected to a higher God-given purpose. If your work is boring, monotonous, exhausting, you are clearly unconnected to your calling. That doesn't mean 'assembly-line work' or 'retail' or 'waitressing' cannot be your calling. I've seen people do all of those with a great sense of passion and enthusiasm, proving it's a place God had planted them, they knew it, and loved it.

But every day, millions of people rush to jobs they hate and then go home to lives equally empty and dull. And yet those same people defend those choices as responsible, practical and realistic.

I think that's 'whooey.' How can it be responsible to live lives devoid of meaning, joy and purpose?

What about you?
Are you working so hard you've forgotten to let your soul catch up?
Are you living your life too small?
Are you listening to God speaking?
Is your life so full of meaningless clatter that there's no room left for the things that make your heart sing?
Are you creating the legacy you want to leave behind for those you love?

There's no greater way to do that than to follow your calling.

And be blessed.

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