Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Nobody speaks high German anymore. Well, nobody but -- um -- high Germans, that is. Same with King James English. That's not really a problem for us. I hope it isn't, at least.

That's why I intentionally choose to use words from the stage when I speak that don't need extra interpretation. That's why I choose not to use language that is 'club-type' language, that only insiders understand and that it takes a lexicon to 'get.'

But I wonder if we've faced the probable fact that tomorrow's people won't be speaking OUR language either? And really, I'm not even talking so much about the future thesaurus, I'm talking about modes of communication ... ways of convincing ... ways of arguing ... what is funny and what isn't ... what motivates and what repulses ... what is in bad taste or what is awesome.

Will our words and methods be like Confederate money on the other side of the Civil War? I suspect there may be something quite new and revolutionary, though I cannot express it or grasp it here and now.

One thing is certain: our words will not stand alone. Our message will be a LIFE: words plus deeds. Words of faith without works of love will not survive. I'm pretty sure about that.

We suffer at the moment from a glut of words, trumpeted over-loudly. To be listened to going forward, my hunch is we must learn to whisper shorter secrets in vocabulary that is less religious, more common, more earthy. Not profane, but not like stones in the shoes of the pre-believer. This does not speak to the education of the world going forward. It will be a highly intelligent world, but the days of "Ebenezers raised where angels prostrate fall, with blessing on royal diadems in Zion and a thousand tongues lifting up ephiphanies on high to the seventh heaven" --- will be long gone. And that change to a more human diction will be good for us. The discipline of thinking clearly, saying what we mean, honestly feeling, and seeking to truly be understood is a discipline our souls need. In fact, it will make us more like our Leader.

Finally, our words will depend more and more and more on the power of the story. In this way, we will most definitely become more like Jesus, who was a Master.

So looking forward to it.

And be blessed.

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