Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I don't really like the term 'preaching.' I'm not even sure why I don't like it exactly; it just feels like an old word to me. I know it's in the Bible - "Preach the Word ... " - but there are a lot of other words used in the Bible that have gone out of use in the Everyman's English. It doesn't mean I don't believe in the concept of strongly and faithfully and consistently speaking the Truth into people's lives in public settings. Far, far from it. I'm just not sure what to call it instead of 'preaching.' But that isn't what today's blog is really about anyway -- I just digressed before I even got started.

I spend some time - not a lot, but some - listening to others - um - er - preach. There are some great -- well -- preachers (AGGGH!) out there. I love hearing their insights on various topics and Bible passages. Some incredible brains and hearts in our world are doing great things for the Kingdom. We are blessed.

What has become clear to me is that certain communicators have certain messages they can't help getting away from no matter what Bible text they use. Just seems that way.

Ed Young, Jr. is always going to get it back to creativity.

Perry Noble speaks a lot about how dangerous Christianity is and how believers need to be dangerous and not settle for Christianity 'as is.'

T.D. Jakes always seems to have a message of encouragement every single time. The underlying theme is 'you can make it.' Same with Joel Osteen.

When I listen to Stephen Furtick at Elevation Church in Charlotte, I always hear how big God is and how He wants to do big things.

Francis Chan focuses on the depth of who God is.

Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church in Seattle could be preaching on anything and it goes back to the Gospel and the Bible.

I'm not sure any of that is ultra-intentional. Maybe it is. But I think - mostly - it's an overflow of their inner passion and the message God has put them on earth to convey.

I think, for me, my message has so often been how much God loves us and how much He has called us to love other people - that He will use us in spite of the chinks in our armor -- and that the extent to which He has shown us mercy, grace and forgiveness is the extent we are called to show all those things to others.

I am a perfect example of how God can take someone completely unworthy and make him into something semi-useful. I have never been the smartest guy on the block -- not the most athletic -- or the handsomest (well, maybe that isn't true) -- or the most humble (see!). I was the LAST person you ever thought would be a 'preacher' or a leader, much less the pastor of a great church - but I am proof that God love anybody and use anybody.

KFA ( is proof positive that church is chock-full of people no one will mistake as superstars. Yet, He is using us to do amazing things. Why? Because He loves us and has given us a dead-on mission to love others - no matter what.

I have had some critics talk about the fact that I am a broken record on this subject in my - (sigh) - 'preaching.' It used to bug me, but I came to realize it's just my message - and I'll probably keep on hitting the repeat button for the time being.

And be blessed.


Garry L. Pierce said...

Good thoughts, Kevin. Way to handle the critics...knowing who we are is really key in this "business" of shepherding. Even way back in college you carried yourself with a security in Jesus. That's most likely how you won your wife. She seemed like someone who wanted a leader. You're the one! Way to go and best to you! I invite you to a new blog site I have going - Just a limited amount of posts so far...working on a book about the relationship between Spiritual Warfare and Deep Healing, with an emphasis on good theology and application behind the warfare and some suggestions for a local church model for Deep healing...the blogs will eventually get the book with a lot of editing! Ha! Best to you...keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, PK....I do hear you speak often about God's love on your blog or in a sermon. However, I take exception to your private emails. You are all about the law and rules...God's love is almost completely gone. I think you are so accustomed to telling others what to do, that you never stop. Your previous post on Leadership styles, is a good case in point...finding out where others are coming from and basing your remarks on that, seems common sense. Don't let it go in one ear and out another. It is terribly good insight to keep in mind.

It's not that I don't love you and your style of speaking, but your private emails are tough to take sometimes.

PK's BLOG said...

I take exception to your exception. LOL.
The truth is -- i can send 100 emails, 80 of the encouraging and 20 of them what you might call challenging, and people will remember only the 20, not the 80. Most of my messages and correspondences have been the 80. AND ... the only times i have been otherwise is when someone has asked me a question that elicited a response they didn't like, but that they were, in fact, asking me for.

I also take exception that I 'tell others what to do.' That is a gross misrepresentation of what I am and what I do. I communicate the Word to people - again, it's what they are asking me to do when they query me - I'm not telling them what to do - I'm telling them what God says. They are free to follow God or not - but I don't take the responsibility for that either way. That's a work of God.

Jesus dealt in loving ways, but He did not water down Truth. Actually, He was fairly brutal with those who said they followed the Law and called themselves religious. Do we think He didn't love those people while He was challenging them? I think He did. And His greatest heart of patience and grace extended to those outside faith, not to those who claimed they believe but refused to follow.

Anonymous said...

I have always been pretty straightforward about my struggles....and my triumphs. It has not been all downhill. I have had some wonderful times, as well. I guess my experience has been that the more I did right, the more you pushed me to be more perfect. I do think you had good intentions. It's just quite bit of pressure for someone who never grew up in the church and whose friends are largely unbelievers. Comparatively speaking, I am doing well.

Yes, I did ask you many questions and you challenged me endlessly. Let's just say, I am challenging you to be more compassionate as our leader. You get further with sugar than vinegar...or however that saying goes. Nurture the good things parishioners will encourage them to go on and do more. Seriously.

Lol...maybe Jesus would be brutal with me. I do believe He is our savior, but no, I do not do everything right. I don't. I feel certain that if HE knows that about me, than who cares if anyone else knows. Bottom line, is I love you as a person and a friend...just wish you would consider being more accepting of those whose journey is different from yours. Just consider it... You grew up in church...several times a week, in fact. We all haven't had that upbringing. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

I didn't grow up in church that means nothing to me personally. I agree with PK.(Lords style of truth) It is the truth whether you sweeten it or harden it, If you are not ready to hear the word and make the change then it is what it is... Its never a personal attack but humans seem to take it that way because the truth hurts:( If you can find a way past that human reaction and look at it from the Lords perpective you'll see the love in the truth.

Anonymous said...

ANON: I am so sorry. I just saw this and now have a chance to reply.

Thank you for your response. It gives me something to think about. Yes, many times I felt PK was exceptionally hard on me. Sometimes, I would feel discouraged and thought about giving up. I guess for me, the bottom line is that I respect him deeply and trust him, so I listened to what he said. But, to your point, it sometimes felt like he was directing it to me personally...not an attack, but a disapproval of who I am.

I love PK as my pastor and friend. I know, at the end of the day, he wants good things for me. I'm still here! I haven't given up. :)

Anonymous said...

When you/one sees it needs change, it will get done. Believing/faith in the Lord to help you change is when it can happen. "He" can only help you. PK is speaking on Jesus' behalf and has the same desire for your heart as he:) We all- believers of Christ do :) That's what Love is. Love is not to coddel or ignore someones need for truth.I hope I am not intruding but felt compelled to reply and join in on the subject. And, this is from personal experience and part of my own testamony.

Anonymous said...

You are not intruding at all. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. Seriously... It is reassuring to hear of people who have dealt with any sort of struggle in their lives, but it is now behind them.

My biggest problem is drinking too much. It's not as bad as it could be but, it most certainly will be over time, if I don't do something about it. I have drifted away from church and God lately, too. I'm not as happy, either. I talked a bit to Lisa and I want to go back to Freedom Seekers.

Thank you for your words of love, as a Christian. Sometimes, it just helps to talk to someone. :)

Anonymous said...

An expression my husband shares: Sometimes you just need to "stop"
Be still the Lord is waiting for your desire.