Thursday, November 11, 2010


There is no such thing as coexistence in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom did not come to Earth to coexist. It came to take over and transform. In the Kingdom there is one will, one vision, one standard, one moral code, one code of ethics -- the KING'S.

The existence of any other constitutes rebellion. If the King's word is law and absolute, how can there be multitudes of 'little kingdoms' within the Kingdom? There can't be. Since there is only one King and one Kingdom, coexistence is impossible.

The Kingdom of Heaven permeates and agitates and loves and cares and will not stop until it has transformed its environment into something formerly unrecognizable. It cannot simply be given a place that shares a stage with all the philosophies and faith systems of the world. It has a desire and goal to grow and expand and overwhelm until it alone is left standing.

So all who are Kingdom citizens face the dilemma and challenge of how to live successfully and simultaneously in two worlds that are in inevitable conflict. We must be prepared for that clash and conflict. We cannot enter the Kingdom of God and continue living like our lost friends. Suddenly -- everything changes. Our culture - our nature - our interests - our priorities - our tastes ---- everything. The old is gone and everything becomes new.

Our assignment on Earth is not coexistence; it is transformation. It is love taking over a love-starved planet.

And be blessed.

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