Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I find certain topics really get people going. From my experience, 'holiness' seems to be one of those. I probably - deep down - have something 'rascal-ish' inside me that kind of likes that. I admit it.

Sometimes my mom reads this blog, but maybe I'll get lucky and this will be a day she's too busy to remember.

But growing up, we had a fair amount of 'rules' in our house that seemed to be equated with holiness. I may be slightly exaggerating (I'm saying that to cover my 'honesty factor,' just in case she doesn't forget to read today), but there were certain things in our home that had a heightened focus put on them - things we weren't supposed to get within ten miles of because they smelled of sin.

Certain kinds of music
Smoking and drinking
Going to pool halls
Loud drums in church
Saying 'darn' (because everyone knows 'darn' is a derivative of 'dang,' which is a Latin ancestor, two or three times removed from that REALLY awful "D" word). Same with 'shoot,' 'shucks,' 'geez' and 'gosh.' Although my cousins could say, "dad-gum" and things like that.
Card playing that had Spade- and Club-like symbols on them. I knew a lot of people who played the card game, ROOK, though. I think somebody told me that the Raven on top of the Rook Card was like a Greek expression of the Holy Spirit or a dove. I probably bought that at the time. After all these years, I finally found out that ROOK was OK because it doesn't have any face cards ... no King, other than God ... no Queen, that seductive temptress ... and that poor suicidal Jack, who only had one scary eye and was too emotionally unstable even to look at.

Now (here's that conscience thing again), in all fairness, many of the rules relaxed over time. I'm not going to tell you which ones. I'll leave you guessing about whether or not my mom allowed me to smoke and drink or say really awful "D"-type words as I got older (or if she does read today, maybe she'll personally set us all straight on today's information) - but like I said, some of those things did relax.

Most of that is just fun, tongue-in-cheek stuff, but if you're going to get 'out there' and do life in the big world, you will have to deal with some very serious tensions. Many of them center around the question: 'What IS holiness anyway?' It's the pink elephant with glasses in the room.

That 'holiness' issue has caused churches to split, believers to get angry and accusatory with one another, families to break up, young church planters to be mistrusted ---- and it is a primary reason people outside the church think God is like the Michelangelo-style old guy with flowing white hair and beard - - out of touch.

For whatever reasons, the church has theologized itself right out of normal interaction with the world - so often calling that holiness. Many churches have an alarming theology of 'extraction,' rather than going INTO the world to share the Gospel.

We must align our theology around the call of mission.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Who would have thought you have a "rascal-ish" side to you. Seems you often play "devil's advocate" and present the other side of the coin.

It's hard to imagine growing up in such a restricted way. Kudos to your Mom for raising such a great man.

I have always loved music and dancing, so I think you missed out a bit there. It makes me happy. Also, when I married, my husband's family loved to play penny poker and eucher...another card game. We spent many Thanksgiving afternoons playing, laughing and having fun with that.

All that aside, there is so much going on the outside world. Don't you believe that some Christians are concerned that they might have to face their own temptations, when they become involved with many unbelievers? It seems a little easier to fall into some of my old habits, when I see my co-workers and friends doing the same or worse.

One last speak of people imagining God in a Michaelangelo-type do you imagine Him, personally? I imagine Him that way...or as the sunshine in the incredible and warm light. Honestly, when I pray, I pray to Jesus, because I can picture Him and feel a connection with the Man.

I love your blog always, but if you should ever decide to blog about love or, by all means. :) Skip the

PK's BLOG said...

WHAT!??? Christians having to face their own temptations head-on? GASP! Think of it!

Honestly, that is a big fat excuse. Certainly there are seasons of time when we need strengthened by the Holy Spirit. A druggie going back into the neighborhood where he got drugs is just stupid. A guy addicted to porn who doesn't install accountability software on his pc is just stupid.

But for most, that's a load of whooey. We should have some faith that when temptations come (and temptations aren't SIN, remember) that we have a God who has some power to get us thru that without always assuming we're going to be weak-spined and give in at the slightest provocation of temptation. We need to grow up and get some spiritual backbone.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, you make me smile. You always have such strong opinions. :) It's fine with me, though. It sometimes makes me wince a bit when I am on the wrong side of the fence. This time, I can say that I spend almost every single day with lots of unbelievers.

Why do you suppose Christians don't interact with unbelievers? Is it a sense of superiority or disdain? Is it fear that they might be tempted? Is it I'm in, so let the rest figure out their own way? Probably all of the above...

How do you see God, PK? How would you convey who He is to someone who doesn't exactly know Him? Maybe you'll give me new eyes to see... It would be interesting to see Him thru your prism.

PK's BLOG said...

Why do I think believers don't interact with unbelievers? There isn't one simple answer to that one. And I don't think ALL believers stay away from unbelievers at all. Many DO interact. Far too many, however, do not. I think the reasons are numerous ... they just get into their comfortable Christian circles and forget about those who have been left behind -- they don't know what to say to start conversations -- they're afraid of rejection -- lots of reasons. I don't think, generally, that it is Christian pride, except for maybe a few. I believe the best about most people that way. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop people from going to hell.

We have just been self-trained to stay in our holy huddles and have forgotten that God caught us as 'fish' so we would turn around and start fishing for others.

How do I see God? Goodness. Maybe that's a blog topic some day.

Dr Phil said...

Here is another facet of Holiness that I ran across after having grown up in a denomination that had narrow views on right and wrong. I always fell short of those standards of holiness and so resigned myself to a lifetime of struggle trying to live such a holy life.

Of course, one definition of holiness/sanctification is to be set apart for God's use.

Just as the inanimate articles of furniture in the Tabernacle were called holy because they were being used for God's designed purpose, so might our lives be considered holy if we are yielded as vessels to accomplish His designed purpose and fulfill the works he prepared for us to do.

Anonymous said...

Yes...DO blog on God and your thoughts and view of Him sometime! That would be great!

I got my Just Walk Across the Room book back out and took it to work. Maybe it will refresh my memory. I have a hard time figuring out how to turn a conversation to Jesus. You must have a knack for it.

Anonymous said...

It's been my experience when in conversation in general...a topic seems to cause me to share my testamony. The Lord works through you to reach them. Your experience shared about you will not (hasn't for me) scared people away (so far) I have faith. I found when you speak about yourself or when you identify their situation to yours it fall right where it should. The rest is up to that person and the Lord. There's no telling what's going on with them, its not for you to concern yourself. Your part is being done, being used by "Him".

MOM said...

Well, I did look at the Blog. We were really a very laid back bunch of Women, (mom, grandma and great grandma, now you know why Kev is soooo rotten) Just kidding! The smoking and drinking and dancing were not even an option. The "D" word, I don't think I have ever even heard him say darn or drat or anything like that. He was really a very easy child to raise (WHAT HAPPENED) God has been good to keep him in the ways that he is to go, and I am so THANKFUL.


PK's BLOG said...

Well - i DEFINITELY had to publish THAT comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet....I concur, he is pretty marvelous! We couldn't ask for a better pastor or a role-model in this Christian life. :)

Anonymous said...

PK, I pray that you are always blessed in your good works and bring Jesus' light with you whenever u go.