Saturday, October 23, 2010


Anybody who thinks ministry is the same in 2010 (or should be) as it was in 1980 is kidding himself. The comments that follow are at the very heart of contextualization, relevance and connecting with the culture. It is not about whether the Bible is true or authoritative (it is both) or whether we should be expository or thematic (pick one). It is about understanding the 'who' that is supposed to hear the wonderful things we plan on saying, singing and preaching.

For instance, for the average student who entered college this fall, e-mail is now too slow, phones have never had cords (except at their grandparent's homes) and the computers they played on as kiddies are now in museums.

If you're forty or above, imagine this ... the University class of 2014 thinks of Clint Eastwood more as a sensitive director than as Dirty Harry urging punks to 'Go ahead, make my day.' Few incoming freshmen know how to write in cursive or have ever worn a wristwatch.

These are among the 75 items on this year's Beloit College's Mindset List. The compilation is assembled each year by this private school (pictured above) with enrollment of about 1,400 not far from us in Beloit, Wisconsin.

The list is meant to remind teachers that cultural references familiar to them might draw blank stares from college freshmen born mostly in 1992. Remember when Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Dan Quayle or Rodney King were in the news? These college freshmen don't.

Ever worry about a Russian missile strike on the U.S.? During these students' lives, Russians and Americans have been living peaceably - including together in outer space.

Other items on the Beloit College Mindset List were:

- GPS' are part of normal life.

- Gas stations have never fixed flats, but have always served cappuccino.

- Electronic filing of taxes have always been an option.

- Clarence Thomas has always been on the Supreme Court.

- 'The Tonight Show' has always been hosted by Jay Leno.

- Iced tea has always come in cans and bottles.

This changes everything.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

David Kniesz said...

Sure glad Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.