Saturday, September 18, 2010


I'm sharing a synopsis of something I read on Tony Morgan's blog this morning (

He was writing about how impressed he was that the Assemblies of God, unlike so many other denominations out there, is still growing. One of the reasons he indicated that it is so is that the AG has a commitment to planting churches.

I have the opportunity to sit on General Superintendant George Wood's Cabinet (a group that only meets once or twice a year and discusses this topic - and to be fair, I have only been to one of the meetings so far) - but I am also privileged to be part of our Wisconsin / Northern Michigan AG Ministry Network's Church Planting Board (wow - that's a mouthful) --- and it is gratifying to see not only our National leaders, but our State leaders also pursuing with great passion this element of church planting.

From (News & Information): Adherents in the U.S. AG increased to 2,914,669 in 2009. Worldwide, the gain was 1.6 million members - to 63,090,251. The goal for 2010 is 300 new church plants with an ultimate goal of 500 per year. One hundred thirty-three have already been planted in 2009.

This, sadly, does not address the many churches who are also closing their doors (Whew! I'm glad the church isn't actually a building - though it sure doesn't hurt to have one).

Another warning signal was that conversions to Christ were actually down .1 percent. I'm thankful for what God is doing at KFA in these areas -- we are seeing new people come to Christ on a regular basis, if not almost weekly.

Let's keep praying together about when and where God will have KFA plant a church next.

And be blessed.

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