Thursday, August 5, 2010


I often reflect on and reconsider the amount and level of transparency I put out there - in my messages - in my counseling sessions - in my conversations. Sometimes Joelene will wisely caution me that I might have gone too far. I probably do now and then.

I have had a belief that great leaders instill a sense of meaning and belonging in their followers by putting a personal imprint of who they are and what they stand for on their people. That imprint becomes a kind of common ground where the people collectively identify with their leader.

Leaders leave a mark by constantly and continually communicating their values and sense of mission. They tirelessly call their people to engage in the cause. They know people are easily distracted by the many pulls of life, so they're continually calling them back to the mission, back to their purpose for being. That's why I've tried to do over and again on this blog and will continue doing.

Part of the way I"ll do that is to continue being transparent so you can see where God has taken me personally in the past, where I am now, and where He is taking me future.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I love your transparency. It makes me trust you more as a leader. It helps me to understand who you are. I connect with you in a way I have not with other leaders...spiritual or non.

Every once in a while, I wish I could give you a shot of self-confidence...or help you to be less image-consciense. But I thnk being who you are deep inside is where it's at. Superficial interaction is so meaningless.

I hope some others weigh in on this, because for me, this is key to why I care more about you than other leaders. and AC Green....short list...

Anonymous said...

Awww...out having fun and no time to blog. :( I like coming home late from work and reading what you are pondering today.