Sunday, May 23, 2010


Some days it feels like personal temptation is going on around me 24/7 ... trying to pull me away from God.

In those moments, what am I supposed to do? Close my eyes? That won't work, you know that. So --- what then?

Ever have a time when you’re driving and you have to get somewhere fast and you’re looking at red lights everywhere - and you're so focused on getting where you’re going because you’re going to be late? And there could be a friend in the car over in the next lane ... and they’re waving like mad, but you don’t see them. And later on, your friend tells you, “I was right next to you at the stop light and I was waving at you like a maniac and you didn’t pay any attention to me. We were honking even.”

And you say: “I’m sorry; I didn't even see you. I was focused on where I was going. I’m sorry.’

Bible says: Don’t close your eyes to temptation. Fix your eyes on JESUS ... set your mind on things above ... not on earthly things.”

Be focused on your love relationship with God. Not where God is waving like mad trying to get your attention ... ‘I’m over here, I’m over here’ ... and we’re just not listening. But where we’re so focused on Him we can hardly notice anything else.

That's the idea. We can’t just keep running from temptation our whole lives. That's no fun. We have to run toward Jesus because we’re focused on Him.

The word ‘sin’ means ‘missing the mark.‘ Like aiming an arrow at the bullseye ... ‘Oh, I MISSED it.’ No, that's not it. It’s that you started aiming at something else - not you barely missed the center ---- you missed the whole target because you were over here looking at that.

So --- keep your eyes on Jesus. You can't go wrong then.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don’t close your eyes to temptation, be focused on your love relationship with God." I should post this on my living room wall, so I don't forget.

I don't have alot of temptations, but the things that do tempt me are prominent. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten hung up on the law and felt as if I was a poor excuse for a Christ-follower. It doesn't seem to matter how much time goes by, it inevitably happens. Mmmm...God is the parent I can never please...(my baggage). When I feel that way, that's when I pull away and distract myself with something else that feels better than failing.

The other thing I have noticed, too, though, is that no matter how many times I neglect our relationship, when I pray and just talk to Him about it, He's there. I can feel Him. I don't completely understand it. I'm still getting used to this unconditional love... it's different. I'm very, very grateful for it, just not used to it...