Sunday, May 30, 2010


Spiritual formation. We need to define that. It is actually becoming like Jesus, not just knowing about Jesus. A disciple is not someone who stays the same.

Becoming a disciple is an invitation to follow Christ -- to REALLY follow Him.

A disciple is one who strives to live a life of heartfelt love and obedience to God.

A disciple is one who lives for the higher purposes of God's Kingdom.

A disciple is one who is called out of his selfish ambitions.

A disciple is one who understands the longer he follows Christ, the more uncomfortable he will be and the more sacrifice and effort it will require

A disciple is one who wakes up every morning expecting God will lead and guide his day.

A disciple is one who has given everything he has back to God for Him to direct.

A disciple is one who trusts God for supernatural provision.

A disciple is one who lets faith in God win out over safety, common sense and worldly wisdom.
A disciple is one who is deeply ingrained within a community of believers.

A disciple is one who has relationships with people in the non-Christian culture.

A disciple is one who views Scripture as God's message to a missional people.

A disciple is one who prays when he finds himself in difficult circumstances.

A disciple is one who views the church as a community of fellow passionaries joyfully gathering to see each other, as opposed to strangers they sing songs with once a week.

Are you a disciple?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I imagine you do, but do you feel that all of those traits are ones you possess? Or are you growing and changing right along with us?

I have so far to go, myself. It requires such dedication and focus...and I find myself losing myself in the cares of the world too often ways I didn't before.

Maybe I need a day to fast and bask in the presence of the Lord and re-charge my batteries. I am off this weekend. I can do that.

PK's BLOG said...

I believe I possess all those traits, yes, but certainly I possess them in greatly varying degrees. As believers, we will be working on these things for a lifetime, self included.