Sunday, May 9, 2010


The verdict is in - at least in the blog values poll. Thanks so much for weighing in.

This, of course, is not the tell-all, but it's interesting to see what people value regarding core church values. Back in the May 2nd blog it was mentioned that the Bible discusses values plenty, but it doesn't specifically say which values should characterize specific churches.

The Bible tells us what our church MISSION should be.
It tells us what our church PURPOSES should be.
But it leaves specific VALUES up to the individual church to decide on.

Of course, everyone should have integrity - everyone should be loving - everyone should have grace - etc ... but churches can only have 5-8 real values maximum to concentrate on. Too many results in church schizophrenia; less than five is too few, because church is just too complex.

So -- here are the results from the 85 people who voted in this week's church values poll:
Unconditionally loving -- 37 votes
Integrity -- 33
Grace-filled -- 32
Compassionate -- 24
Family-focused -- 21
Authentic -- 19
Outward-focused -- 18
Accepting -- 18
Relevant -- 17
Purposeful -- 13
Committed -- 13
Culturally Aware -- 7

Thanks again.

And be blessed.

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