Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We had staff meeting at my house today - out on the patio. It was a little chilly but it's great to move out beyond the walls of the church for our weekly meeting.

We talked in large measure about our community - its needs - hopes - dreams. The needs of the lost in our neighborhoods call out to me. We face a steep climb to meet them more effectively. It would be a lot easier to settle for nice, easy ministry, but God hasn't called us to comfort.

Ultimately, the vision God gives to leaders isn't about church size; it's about God accomplishing His purpose, rescuing lost people and helping them become lovers of Jesus. I can honestly say that the vision of KFA has never been about numbers. God has blessed us there, but it's never been about that.

If I'm like Jesus, when I look out over Kenosha at the lost and hurting among us, my own heart should break. Our goal isn't to have big services in large buildings but to see hearts touched with God's amazing love and power. The purpose of each service, each small group, each class - is to create an opportunity where people's lives can be transformed by the power of God. We EXPECT that He will change their lives.

God help us with that.

And be blessed.

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