Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today our guest at KFA was Joel Hunter (pictured at left). Joel planted Northwood Church in Houston six years ago and today has spread thru three campuses in Houston and one in New Orleans.

We brought Joel in to continue pumping the vision of reproduction, outward-focus and church multiplication into our congregation - a direction we feel God leading us at KFA.

Strategic ... Systematic ... Syngergistic ... Seasonal ... Joel's four stages organizations run thru to get to multiplication.

Jesus modeled it for us. He spoke into the lives of 12, and then they sent it into the world. Multiplication is in God's vocabulary; addition, not so much.

I had a hard time sitting there in the front row listening to him talk. I kept wanting to stand up and take the mic and say: "LET'S GO!"

The truth is, we have to keep shining the light on Jesus. This is NOT for us. It's for Jesus and it's for THEM. We're not even in the top TWO.

We are in the middle of a values-shift. Outward-focus is at the front and center of what God has called us to do here. We insist that LOST is greater than FOUND ... staying at the EDGE is greater than staying at the CENTER ... GOING is greater than STAYING.

We are ready.

And be blessed.


cowleskd said...

What a great day. So many that I conversed with today after the message where touched and challenged. I know that I was. I don't know "exactly" where I am going. I do know "exactly" who my Guide is...(notice the capital "G" in Guide).

Unknown said...

Listening to Joel Hunters message right now ONLINE. Very powerful! I moved to Houston, TX a few months ago and have been looking for a church that is smaller than Lakewood Church and on my side of town. I live in Northwest Houston and will definately be visiting Joel Hunters church.

God Bless,

Nef Trejo
(from Kenosha, WI)

PK's BLOG said...

That's awesome. You'll love Joel.