Thursday, January 14, 2010


Haiti, one of the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere - already reeling from the effects of a devastated economy, extensive poverty and poor infrastructure as well as last year's floods - was hit with a 7.0 earthquake on Tuesday.

Homes and major buildings collapsed and fell down hillsides, thousands of bodies are still being pulled from the rubble in the capital city of Port-Au-Prince. Some estimates put the death toll as high as 50,000.

People and organizations from all over the world are rushing to Haiti to help at this hour. Our own Assemblies of God CONVOY OF HOPE is there to dole out badly needed supplies.

This Sunday at KFA, we'll receive a special offering for the relief effort now underway in Haiti.

And be blessed.


Merry said...

I will always be glad to have been a part of a Church family that are always lifting the people of the world, through prayer, through missionary support, and through financial support...and did it whole-heartedly and with absolute joy. My prayers will be with my KFA family Sunday (as they are most every day!)

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder what Pat Robertson's thoughts did to those in the Christian community. While I completely understand his musings, I believe with all of my heart that we in the church should extend a hand of helping and hopefully, show them the love of Christ. I belive that some will see the Hand of Jesus and take it. Let's be bright lights in the world for Christ's sake and show them a better way of being in the world.

Anonymous said...

Great sermon, PK...I'm glad you are the type of pastor who supports helping the people of Haiti....and that you addressed the comments in the news and are willing to talk about the "Elephant in the Room", as they say. It was great to hear that Convoy of Hope was there right away with supplies in place. That's awesome...God is good.