Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today was a chance for some PAYBACK.

I have had several opportunities over the course of my life to be recipient of a good-hearted person who has helped me jumpstart my vehicle when it's been stranded. I'm not sure what that says about my vehicle(s), but ...

So this evening, Joelene asked me if I would run to Hobby Lobby for some stuff for a party we're having tomorrow night at our home. I wasn't real enthused about heading up there at 8 p.m., but she was persuasive enough to convince me. So I went.

When I drove into the parking space, the woman in the minivan next to me got and kindly asked me if I would find another space because she was expecting someone to occupy that space shortly. Seemed like a rather unorthodox request since there were plenty of empty spaces around. But I, with my typical good-nature, complied.

When I got out to go into the store, I just sensed all was not well, so I asked her if everything was OK. She told me her battery was dead and she was waiting on her son to come give her a jumpstart, but didn't know when he would get there. I told her I would be glad to help her with it.

So, I had a chance to do for someone else what has been done for me enough times. It felt good to help someone in need like that.

Of course, I stood there with both ends of the jumper cables in my hands trying to remember if the red one went on the + or - terminals of the battery and what the implications might be if I guessed wrong. How bad could it be, right? 50/50. But I guessed right.

She offered to pay me, but it's Christmas and all, so ... (Nah, I really wouldn't have taken any money for it.)

I guess I should be more accommodating when my wife asks me to do these crazy, last-minute errands, huh?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I've had people jumpstart me and change tires, too. Just recently, I locked my keys and purse in the car when I got gas. Well, God was with me,cause there weretwo police officers in the PDQ. They called another officer to come and jimmy the lock. I asked if I could pay him and he smiled and said "No, that's why you pay taxes." Just a thought, if you ever get in a jam...program the police dept's number into your cell, not 911. :)

Courtney Nelson said...

I love this story! If you have never seen the movie "Pay It Forward", it is a must! If we all lived our lives to help others without worrying about what we will get in return, this world would be a much happier place. BTW, I'm proud of you. =)