Monday, December 7, 2009


I guess I'm a little worried. I just realized I might be a narcissist. No, seriously. That might not even raise an eyebrow for some of you when I say that about myself, which is truly disheartening. Maybe it comes with the Senior Pastor role, I don't know.

But I have a blog (bookmark me here) that I hope all kinds of people read and I'm regularly checking to see how many people have. The title is even: "A DAY IN THE LIFE WITH PK," like I'm Martha Stewart or somebody.

I am on Facebook (follow me at, where I am consistently updating my status -- changing my profile pic -- telling people I got my haircut and that I ate 4,000 calories for dinner (see November Thanksgiving blog).

I have a twitter account (follow me at, which seems reserved for communicating the TRULY insignificant stuff of my day that isn't fit even for Facebook (follow me at

I heard my sister-in-law say once that she didn't understand people who Facebooked, as if anyone cared what you did today. SHE certainly didn't. I kind of sat there with my tongue rolled back massaging my uvula and let it pass. I don't know if she was aware that I was one of the morons informing everyone about what kind of toothpaste he prefers on his blog/Facebook/Twitter account (follow me at all of the above).

It seems I have this hidden 'need' for followers and for people to pay attention to what I think and do. I'm not sure. It could be a slippery slope if you think about it.

I know people who have managed to use Facebook for some pretty noble reasons. It's where I first heard about someone from our church who had been rushed to the emergency room for a fairly serious accident just seconds after it happened. Other people have used Twitter to communicate that they were stranded in their car and needed help. Also very cool.

I guess you can decide. If you're reading this, then I guess you've answered it for yourself.

So ... have you signed up to follow me yet? ( --- Did you bookmark this blogsite?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Kevin - Don't think it makes you a narcissistic. I think it means that relationships are important to you and that you share with people a little bit of your life and they share a little of theirs with you. Even the "insignificant" facts of our lives become important to other people making us feel like others care. :) Dottie

Dr Phil said...

I don't always leave a comment after reading your blog. Also, I have not blogged as frequently recently as I wanted, but I'm hoping to get back to once a week and be at least that consistent. Here's the deal; I will leave a brief comment for you whenever you blog just to help stroke those narcissistic tendencies if maybe you will consider doing the same for me as I seem to suffer from the same malady.

PK's BLOG said...

You and I shall begin the FELLOW NARCISSISTS CLUB. :) Will do.

Anonymous said... it is no news to me at all. :) It's funny, because the group I met with from church tonight, we were just talking about how we ALL want acceptance and love. You are just like the rest of us...don't sweat it. :) If it makes you feel any better, I have been known on many occasions to go back and read my own emails and blog posts. I am just so full of Just joking, but I am a little fascinated with myself...too bad no one else is. Oh well! :)

LA Nickers said...

And some of us (who write for online publications and sites) have AUTO-POSTS that rather randomly publish article and blog links to Facebook, Twitter and other sites at all sorts of odd hours (around the clock).

It's amazing how many people think we are actually online at such times - as if we never sleep or have a real life. Hah! ;-)

OK, this is funny. The captcha code for this entry is:


Is that an ironic hybrid:


Not exactly narcissistic.

Anonymous said...

Our dear, PK...I'm feeling very warm and sleepy and tender. I hope you post something beautiful about Jesus...something to think about as I drift off to sleep or something that I can wake to after dreaming sweet dreams of His love for me and my love for Him. I am feeling so submissive to Him as Master of my life.

Thank you for being a good Shepard to us, your flock. Don't you know we hold fast to the truths that you share with about our Creator?

You're not a just want to be loved...and the wonderful part is that you are, by a large congregation and family and many friends. Sweet dreams...