Monday, July 6, 2009


The Pharisees in the Bible tried to please God with their strict adherence to religious rules and laws. Make Sacrifice A, recite Prayer B, abstain from Sin C - and God will bless you with Item D. It was 'Gumball Machine God.' Insert the right coin (make the right sacrifice), turn the knob (obey the right rules), hold your hand under the receptacle and voila! out comes the goody (your blessing).

That's why the Pharisees spent so much time determining the proper amount of dill or mint to be tithed and exactly how long their prayer tassels should be. But their intent was not motivated out of love for God, but by a desire to control the outcomes.

But the Spirit is not unleashed in our lives because we have the right values or employ the right strategies, but because of our intense love for Christ.

Institutions and organizations are not capable of loving. Real love can only exist between persons. The Spirit does not inhabit institutions; He fills people created in His image to be containers of His grace, glory, mercy, compassion and love.

And be blessed.

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