Saturday, June 6, 2009


I heard Mel Ming give a presentation about Matthew 16 this week -- "I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH!"

He used that passage to confirm that the church belongs to Christ, not to us! So true.

Christ is number one and He demands we make Him Lord of our lives ...
Of our vocations
Of our time
Of our money
Of our thought life
Of our relationships.

Some people say they want to see the Church grow and experience revival, but they want to run it and decide how it will happen. They have not understood Matthew 16, where this quote of Jesus comes from. It is God's Church and He is Lord of it. There is no church until He is Lord. After all that time of being with Him - the disciples finally got it. It was at THAT point that He could tell them about who He really was and what the Church was called to be. This is fundamental to our theology of the church because we so often think it is OUR church – OUR denomination. NO. It is His and He claims total ownership of it. We’re just along for the ride.

And be blessed.

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