Wednesday, June 17, 2009


On our second day in Manhattan, we kicked it off with a bang by visiting Battery Park and the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island. Every time I see it in person, it gives me this big choked up feeling. It's quite the tribute to freedom that we all enjoy every day.

After that, we wandered north from the southern tip of Manhattan to the Wall Street Financial district area, and then just west of there to Ground Zero, almost 8 years after the fact. There is a new, stirring museum dedicated to the tragedy that wasn't there the last time we visited. And the new Freedom Tower is going up now - it's about 100 feet tall so far and will eventually rise to 1,776 (get it?) feet before it's finished - taller than the original towers. Other tall towers will join it along with a park featuring commemorative fountains in the center. Can't wait to see that.

After supper, we went to the Broadway show: "Shrek, the Musical." Very funny and very entertaining. I love the quality of Broadway -- the sets, costumes and extra effects are always amazing. This one did not disappoint.

One thing I enjoy about Times Square is even as you are strolling back to your hotel at 11:15 p.m., many of the clothing stores and restaurants are still open. One was enticing enough for me to stop in and get a big fat slice of pepperoni before I hit the sack. More fun awaits tomorrow.

And be blessed.

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