Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I was PUMPED today. Our staff pastors meet every Tuesday morning for a couple of hours to talk vision, planning, calendar, download books and pray. We don't do ALL of that every Tuesday, but usually we do several of those things at once. We're multi-taskers.

Today we talked a lot about our direction and vision before praying together. I love days like today because you can talk crazy thoughts and sometimes, God leads in directions that are just so cool.

Sunday was a tremendous day this past weekend and that sparked a lot of conversation. We had 2,400 people in church, which was a big 'bump up' from the previous weeks. We had 12 people baptized; our parking lots had problems - and the SPANISH MEET & GREET after 2nd service had 75 Hispanic friends there. What great food and awesome, beautiful, wonderful people in the room. So very gracious.

So much good is happening at the moment. So the 'talk' around the table was buzzing. It was energizing and exciting to sit and talk about future vision. I was PUMPED. Still am. I won't sleep tonight.

I'm going to go PUMP some iron now.

And be blessed.

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