Tuesday, January 6, 2009


You've heard of "TWITTER," right? If not, TWITTER is a free, social networking, micro-blogging service that allows users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as 'tweets'), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. OK - better?

A few months ago I created an account that allowed me to TWITTER. You do it by texting thru your phone mostly. That information is sent to a variety of phones, websites, etc, that you have hooked up to where other people can see what you're doing or thinking at that moment - if they've decided you're someone worth listening to. You might be brushing your teeth, eating dinner, playing in the snow, about to have surgery, driving (oops! No. I never do that while driving), sitting in church bored, part of a staff meeting, grocery shopping, thinking about life --- and a host of other occasions. AND ... you are notified when others decide they want to update you on what THEY are doing - if you've decided they're someone worth listening to. It's both 'cool' and 'annoying' at the same time.

So, recently I came across a concept that asked: "What Would JESUS Twitter?" And here are some of my own offerings ...

'Adam is one spectacular specimen I have made.'

'Cancel yesterday's TWITTER ... EVE is one spectacular specimen I have made.'

'How does 969 years sound for the oldest person on the planet?'

'Noah needs more wood.'

'Noah needs more wood.'

'Noah needs more wood.'

'Joseph is really preening over that new coat.'

'Sent some food down from the sky to the desert-dwellers today. They asked what it was.'

'Decided to call the food falling from the sky MANNA - since that means, 'What is it?'

'I wonder if 3 plagues is enough to make that Pharoah listen.'

'I wonder if 7 plagues is enough to make that Pharoah listen.'

'I wonder if 10 plagues is enough to make that Pharoah listen.'

'You should see those walls of Jericho falling right now. That is SOOOOO cool.'

'I'm putting 20:1 on David over Goliath.'

'I'm feeling so bad for Job right now, but I know he can take it.'

'Now THAT is one honkin' song book.'

'Solomon ... dude .... is writing some sick stuff.'

'Well, TODAY Solomon is writing some pretty wise stuff.'

'Whenever a donkey talks to a man, the man should listen.'

'Daniel should really have been a lion-tamer.'

'I'm debating what the next weird name will be that I give to a prophet.'

'This manger hay is itchy.'

'My cousin, John --- he's kinda OUT THERE.'

'B-R-R-R-R-R! That Jordan River water is COLD and SMELLY!'

'Out of 12 followers, 12 are knuckleheads.'

'Peter is sinking fast ... but at least he got out of the boat.'

'I've had a great time here.'

'These nails really hurt.'

'Just resting.'

'I'M B-A-A-A-A-A-C-K!!!!'

'See all those people everywhere around you. I love them.'

'You should see this awesome place I'm making for you.'

And be blessed.


keithdaugherty said...

A couple more:

Dude...you should have seen Moses with that burning bush! He like totally freaked!

Yeah...that Red Sea thing...yeah that was Me.

PK's BLOG said...

LOL. Very nice.

keithdaugherty said...

Ditto. Your list rocked!

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think, and your services on Sunday show a man with great humor,better than that, wise direction from the Boss.

LA Nickers said...

And the final line:

"I win."


Wow! That is really creative, funny and thought provoking! I like this post alot PK! I think God would probably send out at least several Twitters a day to remind us of his unfailing love for us as well! We ALL need that.